Friday, February 1, 2008

Why do they choose Islam ?

Islam , in spite of the shaky and precarious picture that the blind –hearted media propagates all over the world , is most acceptable religion all over the world now .In the time of the prophet , people were persecuted , tortured and even killed to leave it but never did they leave ....Now people from all different cultures , different mentalities have been guided by God to Islam , they have found their way , at last they have rested their doubts , they have found the doctrine that sit well with their logic . Islam is the only religion that answers the innate nature in the Human being . Islam is the only religion that contains over one thousand scientific Hadiths and verses that are in complete agreement with the recently discovered scientific facts . The Holy Quran is the only Book that remained unchanged , every letter , every word , every sentence are the same as were first revealed to the prophet . There are hundreds of glad tidings and prophecies in the Holy Book that speak about the coming of Islam , Islam is the only religion that first puts Human rights and supervised putting them into effect long ago before the magna carta , Islam is the only religion that gave woman her rights . Islam is the only religion that was fought and still is ,yet it remained unshaken , and remained and will remain deap seated in the hearts of its adherents .Islam is the only religion that will redress and rectify humanity way to God .

Prophet Mohummed says "This religion will go as far as the night and the day go , No place , be it in the desert or the city , but will be converted into Islam , so wonderfully is that Islam will be aided by different people , be it noble or humble …………..

God says "When Allah's succor and the triumph cometh in the Holy Quran what means And thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah in troops. Then hymn the praises of thy Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him. Lo! He is ever ready to show mercy." Surah 110. An-Nasr.

You can see a video about why people choose Islam.

This is taken from The Quran Miracles Encyclopedia.

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