Sunday, February 17, 2008

Seeking Islamic Knolwedge & Persistent Worshipping

Seeking Islamic knowledge is fard kifayah: that means if enough people undertake this duty, it becomes Sunnah for the rest of them. Seeking knowledge becomes obligatory on each individual (fard 'ayn) if the knowledge is of an act of worship he needs to do or an interaction he wants to engage in. In this case he has to know the proper way to worship Allah by this act, or to engage in this interaction.

An sms from Jawal Zad

A Muslim should strive to do even small acts of worship persistently because this is better than doing a lot and then stopping. A'ishah described the Prophet's actions (peace be upon him) as persistent, i.e., not interrupted or infrequent. And he ( peace be upon him) told us that, "The most beloved of Actions to Allah are those which are done persistently, even if they are little."

Another sms from Jawal Zad

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