Tuesday, October 30, 2007

عباقرة علي قيد الحياة

consulting company called Synectics has published a list of the top 100 living geniuses.

The list shows people different backgrounds such as musicians, scientists and writers.

The number one spot is shared between Tim Berners-Lee, who is credited with inventing the internet and the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, who developed a drug called LSD used in psychiatric treatment.

The filmmaker Steven Spielberg and the spiritual leader the Dalai Lama share the 26th place.

The boxer Mohammed Ali shares the 43rd place with a surprise figure on the list; Osama Bin Laden.

Lists like these are fun to read but they raise interesting questions too. For example, can we really objectively say somebody is a genius, or is it subjective?

We asked some Londoners whether it's possible to measure and rank genius. Here are some of their answers:

One person says that genius can't be quantified, and another thinks that there's no standard scientific way of measuring genius.

One man says that it's impossible to rank genius but it's possible to rank people's achievements and contribution to society.

A woman thinks that being a genius is about the nature of creativity and the actual intelligence quotient.


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