Tuesday, October 23, 2007

التسميه بقصد الاحراج

A university lecturer in London has decided to publish the spelling mistakes of 75 students, because he's so annoyed by their bad spelling.
It's not clear whether he will publish their names or just the mistakes, but there seems to be a trend in the UK for naming and shaming.
For example in the Isle of Wight badly behaved pupils have to go to school on an embarrassing bright pink 'naughty bus' to shame them into behaving better.
A few weeks ago the government said they were going to name and shame parents who don't pay maintenance for their children.
There's also a website in Scotland which names and shames bad drivers.
One woman taking part in a BBC debate said that the naughty bus idea wouldn't work. She said that it could become a 'badge of honour' to be on the bus with your friends.
But another woman thinks the risk of being named and shamed could be a deterrent.

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