Let's go inside this cat's dream:
She found a mouse. She was chasing it. Then, the mouse went inside its house -like Tom & Jerry :)
Then, the cat was looking through the tiny door of the mouse's house. This picture is exactly when she streches its hand inside the tiny door to catch the mouse inside. :)
تعالوا نتخيل ما يجري في حلم هذه القطه:
هاهي قد وجدت فأر. و هي تلاحقه حتى دخل الفأر بيته - مثل ما يحدث في توم و جيري. نظرت القطة من باب البيت الصغير. هذه الصورة أخذت تماما و هي تمد يدها داخل الباب لتمسك بالفأر. :)
Now, the baby's dream:
He woke up in the morning, He ate his breakfast. His father called him to hurry up or he would be late for school. He took his bag very quickly. He arrived to school. He saw his friend Abdullah. They talked a little bit. Then, they went to their class. The teacher asked the students to give him all of their due researches. The baby looked inside his bag searching for it. He couldn't find it. This photo is taken exactly when he remembers "Oh, I forgot it on the table." The baby says that while biting his lip:)
والان لندخل في حلم الصغير:
لقد صحى من نومه في الصباح. و أكل افطاره. أبوه يناديه ليسرع حتى لا يتأخر عن المدرسه. أخذ شنطته بسرعه. لقد وصل مدرسته. ووجد صديقه عبدالله. تحدثا قليلا ثم ذهبا إلى فصلهما. طلب المعلم من الطلاب احضار جميع البحوث المفروضه لذلك اليوم. نظر الطفل في حقيبته باحثا عنها. هذه الصورة أخذت تماما و هو عاضا على شفته: " اه لقد نسيت بحثي عل الطاولة"
هل لديك تفسير اخر؟ شاركنا اذا!
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